How to place order
Stripe Billing is a recurring subscription engine integrated within the Stripe platform. Its job is to generate invoices. The Billing engine then automatically works towards collecting payments on those invoices. If you have a business that involves recurring payments, sending invoices, and charging customers a changing amount depending on usage or other factors, Stripe Billing can help. For more information on Stripe Billing, visit the Billing section of the Stripe Docs.
Send customers to to make a payment
You can direct customers to a Stripe-hosted page to make payments using Stripe Checkout. This is referred to as “client-only” Checkout and does not…
1- Search for the item that you are looking for
2- Select the item from the search result.
3- Add item to cart
4- Keep on shopping or go to checkout.
5- Checkout with Stripe or Create your Stripe account
6- Pay for an item and Done!